Friday, May 1, 2009

We're here

Well it's been a while again hasn't it? We are SOOO Busy that time literally does just fly right on by, if only that were a good thing in many ways LOL! The last week or so has been pretty ugly weather so I can't tell you how excited I am for the weather  to turn nice around here and it starts today! YAY! Hopefully a trip to the park can happen this weekend!  We also saw a cute little swing and slide set on sale at Sears this coming weekend and think it would be perfect for Maddy. It is years 1 - 4 so she can use it soon as opposed to the other bigger playhouses we have been looking at. I think we may get this and get the playhouse next summer or the one after that when she's big enough. I think she would love the swing in this!


Little Tikes® Swing Along Castle


Well the time has come to tell a little secret, although everyone who reads this blog already knows I bet ROFLMBO!!! I was waiting to scan the pictures on the (better and fancier) scanner at work but since it's out of commission I will share the first picture I have and the rest later. We are expecting again! And it's not just's twins!!!! Oh.....My.....Goodness! Life will surely be even more hectic around here soon! So here is the picture of them at 7 weeks.

What I thought were 2 little eye sockets were actually the babies LOL! We were shocked and still are but we are excite too! So needless to say, having a 10 year old, a 10 1/2 month old being pregnant with twins and being back at work full time is NO EASY TASK! I am really counting down the days till I can leave on Mat leave again because it's quite hard to make it through the days. Sooooo hopefully my next entry I can share the pictures of the babies at 18 weeks! Oh yeah and their due date is September 22nd but they will induce me by 38 weeks if they haven't already made their arrival so I think it's pretty safe to say that they will come early, (unlike little miss Madison LOL!)

Speaking of Mads, I never did do her 10 month post, bad mommy! :(    So here we go...Our little Mads is 10 1/2 months old and boy is she ever a cutie! She is also a little troublemaker and a handful but we couldn't imagine life without her!

She is STILL not crawling at 10 1/2 months, I have finally gotten over worrying about that so don't get me started again! She loves daycare but her way of greeting me is to smack me in the face hard cuz she gets so excited. She also throws her toys CONSTANTLY! She plays with toys in her highchair and they are all over the floor in a few minutes if not seconds! And in the car we sometimes don't even get out of the driveway before she has thrown all her toys to where we can't reach them. She is one mischevious little girl! ;) We should have known when she was late in coming what her personality would be like, stubborn and high maintenance (in a good way though) LOL! She is our darling and we just LOVE her personality even though it keeps us on our toes! ;)

She says dadadadadada all the time but it's really just babble still. She also says yeah-yeah-yeah too but no actual words along with recognition like mum or dada. That too will come in time.

Well it sounds like nap time is over so I better go see what our little troublemaker is up to now heehee! She lights up our lives whenever she's around and we wouldn't have it any other way!

1 comment:

Nola said...

yay yay yay! I am soo excited for you guys! and I am so excited to come over and help with all 3 babies to give you some much needed mommy time!!!!