Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm no Superwoman

We had our OB appointment this week and things seem to be fine. Babies heart rates are good and so is my blood pressure and everything else. I do have to go for my Gestational Diabetes screening before my next appointment and am hoping I pass, but last time with only 1 baby I was on the verge so I am preparing for that possibility.

Before I start this let me tell you that everything is fine. ;) I have been feeling crampy now for a few weeks off and on, usually after activity and when I'm sitting down after it. It feels like m.e.n.s.t.r.u.a.l. cramps. Yesterday morning I got them on the way to work and they didn't go away after about an hour a half and with drinking water so I decided to go to labor and delivery just to be sure. (That was my doc's advice if they lasted for a while and didn't go away.) Yay it was absolutely nothing, they aren't contractions but boo for feeling like a dork! LOL! I never went in with any of my other pregnancies before delivery but it's better to be safe than sorry. I don't know why I am having these cramps but maybe it's from sitting all day because they go away when I stand up or lay down for a while. So I took the day off and am laying here in bed on my netbook resting my tummy muscles in hopes that they will go away. This pregnancy has really shown me I am no superwoman (not like I was before). I feel so bad for hubby because both of us are exhausted and with so much to do all the time, well it would be nice if we could manage to do more but I guess that's what everyone feels like eh?

My next u/s and appointment with OB are both on the same day June 16th which also happens to be Kelsey's birthday. :) Hopefully everything will be good then too and hopefully the GD test goes fine this time. ;)

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