Wednesday, May 13, 2009

11 Months

Wow how time has flown by, can our little Maddy really be 11 months old already?! It seems like just yesterday she was a teeny tiny newborn! I am so happy she came into our lives, there’s nothing like our little Madison.

At 11 months Miss Madison sure is full of personality, I want to make sure we don’t forget any of this so here goes!

Maddy is definitely stubborn and does things on her own time (her late arrival into this world should have been an indicator heehee). She has just started butt scooting (May 8th)to get around a bit so YAY!!! She is finally moving, albeit teeny tiny moves but moves nonetheless LOL! I was going to video tape her and hubby said you won’t be able to really even see it on the camera yet anyway hahaha! Oh well, she’s doing it and again…on her own schedule. ;) Apparently she does more at daycare though. When we picked her up yesterday her dayhome provider had said that she went to the kitchen to prepare lunch and she found Maddy at her feet! She had scooted all the way over to her from the living room! She must have been in a scooting mood yesterday cuz she also scooted halfway across our living room last night to get to poor old Nelly (our pug) way to go Maddy!!! Guess I can maybe pull out that camera now eh?

Madison (aka Maddy aka Mads), well the name completely suits her! She definitely gets Mad and pulls attitude which we have dubbed Mattitude (get it?). She is one feisty little girl! For months and months now when she gets excited or mad she flails her arms about. It always brings to mind the “wacky inflatable arm flailing tube man” from the Family Guy cartoon. (google it if you need to, she does it differently but that’s what I call her when I see it although I can never get it right seeing as how it’s a mouthful!)

Maddy also gets bored very easily, she has ever since she was tiny, she can’t just sit in one spot for hours and play. She is also definitely spoiled with lots of attention and mommy and daddy and sissy to play with her so hey, maybe it’s not all her fault. ;)

Maddy LOVES to throw her toys! This started at about 3 or 4 months if I remember right and the nurses and teachers we all heard say that’s their new game to watch something drop and see if you pick it up again…well apparently Maddy is still in love with that game! She throws her toys in the van before we have even left the driveway, she throws her toys off the highchair and even when sitting on the floor she doesn’t just rifle through her toy box, oh no she picks things up and throws them to the side while she looking for something good to play with. Ahhhh I just love the little things kids do that show the become so “them” ya know?

Right now she says dadadadadada all the time, that’s most of what her jibber jabbering is, although I don’t think she has really connected dada or daddy when she says it to dad. She is also very fond of her daddy, there’s a special bond there and it’s adorable. In fact on Mothers Day she was totally enamored with dad and was so not into me that day at all…what a goofball! Those 2 are so awesome together!

She loves her sissy (sister) too and the 2 of them have a bond like no other. It’s so cute to watch them. Sissy would take Mads into her room and they’d sit on her bed playing with toys and watching tv for like 20 minutes, awwwww sister bonding time!

Maddy now has 4 teeth! She got her 3rd tooth on April 25th, it’s the one on her lower left, right next to the 2 middle ones that were already there. And then on May 7th her first top tooth (left) popped through! Yay Maddy!

Right now she eats a mixture of table food and jarred food although she won’t eat any jarred food but the purees so we usually give her meat etc from our plate and supplement the rest with a fruit or veggie puree. She also loves gerbers little crunchies and stars and eats those a lot! She doesn’t do formula anymore hardly, again with the stubborn thing, she has one bottle when she wakes up in the morning and one at bedtime and the rest is either water or milk. We tried every bottle and cup known to man and finally had to settle on some cheap bottles that a) weren’t glass and b) had a solid bottom. The ones we use for formula are great but don’t work for her to drink on her own because, well, they have an open bottom so she won’t drink but instead plays with the disposable liner inside that the formula/milk/water is in and makes a huge mess and doesn’t drink any. Like I said, ahem, she’s a little stinker LOL!

She claps whenever she feels like it and it’s so adorable, she gets this oh so proud look on her face! She’ll also wave but again…she is selective, we know she can do it but ehhh sometimes she just doesn’t feel like it. LOL! What a girl!

These are just a few of the wonderful and unique thing about our Maddy that I want to make sure we don’t forget as the time flies right on by. She truly is a handful, mischievous, monster, troublemaking, sometimes shy and reserved, adorable, hilarious, sweet, loving, smart and wonderful girl and we couldn’t love her more! Life with Maddy added is just that much sweeter for the rest of us!

Since we have a DVD Camcorder which means we have to wait til the disc is full and then do a bunch of extra work to covert the file type I just used my old camera to take this short snippet of Maddy playing tonight. Yes she still uses her bumbo to sit in the kitchen while we are making dinner. ;) Here's our little troublemaker. Enjoy!


1 comment:

Nola said...

oh she is just so adorable! love the video of her playing...and still in the bumbo...I doubt Madden's legs would even fit in it! you got your moneys worth!!!