Friday, May 29, 2009

A Tail of 2 Bunnies

Heehee it should be tale but I couldn't resist ;) Anyway I am sure you have heard me mention Maddy's infamous Bunny. Since he has to be washed and dried by hand it's always an adventure to get it back to Maddy in time for a nap/bed. The last time we didn't boy did she keep us up allllll night! So I decided to look on the internet once again to see if I could find a duplicate. You would think it wouldn't be that hard but apparently this bunny is just as special as Maddy thinks he is LOL!

You wouldn't believe my excitement when 2 weeks ago I actually came across a clone of our bunny! The only thing different this guy was that the bow color was brown and not creme. So I paid (again) a ridiculously expensive amount to have a spare bunny for her. I know she probably won't love this one the same but we plan on sleeping with it ourselves and then putting it in her room to absorb the "appropriate" smells and hopefully it will work. I was worried about the 2 different colored bows and that she would notice, well last week the bow on her original bunny fell off, how perfect was that?! LOL! So now I will just pull off the new bunny's bow and they will look somewhat similar (except for the ahem less than new condition of the old one LOL).

So here is a picture of the 2 bunnies. Seriously, did bunny actually look that pink and new when we bought him almost a year ago?! I cannot believe how dirty/gross he is and we just washed him about 2 weeks ago! Oh My Goodness LOL!


The Original Bunny in all his glory heehee


And the bunny the bathtime imposter ;)


We got smart and already bought the twins similar ones, yes they got 2 of each! I should go to walmart and buy all the rest and then sell them on ebay like the other people do at crazy prices that us desperate parents will pay to have their baby's lovey/security blanket/nunu back LOL! I could use a side job! ;)


Oh and I forgot to tell you, at my last doc appointment I was 23 weeks and my belly is measuring at that of a 28 week pregnant woman...oh we go! And yes pictures should come soon, I just want to look decent, maybe hubby will take a few this weekend.

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