Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Thunderstorms and a Digital Candy FREE Megakit and Goodie Bag!!! :)

This is a quote from Environment Canada for a Severe thunderstorm watch for our area tonight...UGH!!!

"Thunderstorms with Nickel size hail, heavy rain and funnel clouds have been reported. Conditions are favourable for the development of funnel clouds or weak tornadoes. These types of funnel clouds form out of large cumulus clouds or very weak thunderstorms and normally do not have the energy to reach the ground. However one or two of these funnels may briefly touch down and can become destructive over a very small area. Treat all funnel clouds and tornadoes seriously and avoid when possible. Should one develop overhead take shelter until it dissipates. Remember these funnel clouds will normally appear with little or no warning."

Thanks! Just what we needed! Although I have to say that I checked the radar online and it looks like it will miss us. Yeah...I'm THAT kind of gal! When the summer heats up here we get the chance of tornadoes. Not at least we don't live in tornado alley (I don't know HOW you gals do it that do!) but it still TOTALLY freaks me out! In the summer you can find me glued to the weather channel many nights if there is any signs of bad weather. I like to say that I will be the one to survive if anything does happen, but the truth is I *may* just be a bit weird, lol! BUT since I have had the opportunity to see a tornado first hand I think I have a right to be this way, lol. Ok, granted the one I saw was not big but a neighboring town was leveled by one many moons ago and they DO happen around here so I let myself be paranoid. This is probably something you will see much this summer on this little weather freak's blog, lol! So speaking of the one I saw...wanna see it?

LOL I know pretty small but a tornado nonetheless. YIKES! Here's to hoping everyone around these parts stays safe tonight, but since these aren't your typical funnel clouds it shouldn't be too much of a worry. I don't usually worry unless it's about 90 some degrees and then I worry!

Ok, well i guess that's about enough blabbering from this dork! Hope you all had a great day!


Marianne said...

ooooooooooooh that's a great pic! I would have been hiding in the basement at that point lol

I hope the tornados stay away tonight!!!

Heidi@DigitalCandy said...

LOL you are NOT a dork! lol
Tornado? Grab your red shoes and start chanting 'There's no place like home..."

Oh and what a lovely preview of that kit - you must tell me which totally talented individual made that!

Kristine said...

Hiya Chelle! Just stoppin' in to say hi!!!::waves::

mighty morphing mom said...

Sounds like scary weather, hope it all was okay. Isn't our mega kit awesome!

Anonymous said...

I see that you have a picture of your mother but you don't have a picture of your handsome and famous father who loves you very much. I have it on good authority that he liked his father's day card and his gift card.