Friday, June 22, 2007

Just Chattin'

Well, this week has flown by! I am so glad it's Friday, I can't wait for a relaxing those exist? LOL! Not much planned for us. I have testing to do at the Dr's on Wednesday. I am so sick of avoiding raw vegetables and fruits because of the horrific pain I get in my stomach so I finally asked for them to figure it out instead of just avoiding those foods all together. It makes it so hard to lose weight, plus I miss my salad! Within the past week another issue has come up, I keep feeling full as soon as I start eating and I have to force myself to eat even just a little bit. UGH! I hope they figure this out, although I could stand to lose a few pounds so this might actually be a good thing, lol! I think I've figured it out though, I stumbled across something on the internet after adding this other issue and it sounds totally like what could be happening. Although DH says I'm a hypochondriac and I am no Dr. so I could be wayyy off! ROFL! I guess we will have to wait and see.

I am also totally sick of my hair! It's in between curly and straight and I have to curl or straighten it to leave the house and look somewhat decent. So I am thinking either a perm or straighten it...still unsure though. I am so scared I will look like a poodle or have my hair move in just one solid chunk. I used to have beautiful natural curly hair and worked in a beauty salon, people would come in and say they wanted their perm to look just like my hair, not anymore, where we live now the air is so dry that I can't get it curly to save my life. It's getting pretty long and I don't want to cut it but it's in my way all the time and I HATE it when it's windy (which here is all the time) it tickles my nose and cheeks when it blows around, I know weirdo, lol! So I am going to call my hairdresser and see what she says and hopefully get something done this weekend. (Although I have been saying this since last week, I am SUCH a procrastinator!) I think it also has to do with getting old, it's getting thinner than it used to be and my oh my I have a few gray hairs!!! Aaak!

Vacation is coming up in 1 week, by this time next week I will be on my first day of vacation! YAY! NO work!!! Ok, digi work but that's fun for me ;) I hope to get alot done while I am off but if I don't have projects started and I do get time off I can't seem to start something new, I need to be in the middle of creativeness (not a word I know) to be able to jump back in and get it done. We don't really have any plans, we spent our vacation $$$ going to Vegas a few months ago so we will probably end of just doing day trips around home. The ONE thing I do want to do is go to the zoo. I have only been one time before and was so sick I could not enjoy it so I am excited for that.

Oh I forgot to tell you that dd lost ANOTHER tooth this week! My goodness she is gonna be toothless soon. I think that's 4 in 2 weeks! WOW! So now that I have mentioned my baby can I say it saddens me that she just turned 9?! She is not my baby anymore, and she's my only one, pout!

I just finished reading Dean Koontz's new book The Good Guy, it was good but didn't capture me like some others have. And right now I am reading an old one of his called Night Chills, I am only a little way in and this one's not capturing my attention either. Hmmm....maybe it's my mood lately.

Anyway, that's about it to be caught up since last time I blogged. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! Later gators!


Heidi@DigitalCandy said...

Hey babe - what an essay! LOL
I vote you get a ceramic straightener - it saved me! I have really natural curly hair but sometimes due to the same dryness I find the front falls flat. However I always wanted straight hair - not frizzy but REALLY straight - and nothing worked until I bought my ceramic ($120 at my mall kiosk) but worth every penny because it makes it STRAIGHT or CURLY - lol you'll have to ask for a demo! :)

Amy said...

OH Michelle, I'm sorry you are having so many stomach issues. I can relate, I have a mystery pain myself. I try to ignore it, but I can't forever. Hope you get some answers soon. I can also relate to the toothless children. My oldest just lost her last tooth (and is ready for braces now, uuuugh), and our youngest just lost his 7th camping last weekend. Have a great vacation! Enjoy the break!

Angela @ Honey, I Shrunk the Mom said...

Oh no, I'm sorry to hear about your stomach trouble. :( I hope that you get some answers soon.

I have short hair and it's straight as a pin, so I can't give you much advice on the long hair trouble. But good luck!

I love the zoo! Hope you can enjoy it too. :)

Mojo said...

So did you ever get your haircut? Looking for a layout.....:-)