Thursday, June 7, 2007

Double the Pleasure, Double the Money?

So Kelsey lost a tooth yesterday at school. She had been saying some were loose but i didn't know they still lost teeth at her age (almost 9). She was so excited when I picked her up, they had even put it in a little treasure chest called a tooth keeper for her. Awww how cute! So the tooth fairy officially payed (get it?!) her a visit last night. Well this morning while she was eating breakfast ANOTHER tooth came out!! So the tooth fairy will be paying yet another visit tonight, 2 visits in 2 days. We should leave a note saying that she only pays out once a week, ha, ha!

Still trying to decide on what to do for her birthday party, but I think it will be swimming.

I did some layouts last night, I know, a rarity! These are quickpages that will be being given as a surprise at Digital Candy. I can't tell you much...but if you haven't registered or re-registered then you should do so as soon as possible, wink, wink. Check them out below. I used my Bloomin Crabapple kit.

Kelsey's First Day of Grade 3. She's such a Diva and you cannot catch her not posing!

My mom and Kelsey a few years ago when she came for a visit.

Soooo...if you like these layouts and want them as quick pages, you know what to do, wink, wink.

Okay, I have another announcement. I have been working on something really cool and it's almost ready! I won't tell you what it is but I will give you a hint: I don't want to be "negative" about it. Any guesses? No it's not the most obvious one, but along those lines...very close! I guess you'll just have to wait and see!


Heidi@DigitalCandy said...

I know what it is!!! Can I say it? lol! no worries i wont!

Rachel said...

Oh wow...I've never seen Digital Candy before. Glad I stopped by here! I think swimming would be a GREAT party for a 9yr old! Hope it goes well!

ArtcTrish said...

She's a cutie! My daughter lost a tooth on Christmas day! We thought the tooth fairy and Santa were going to have to go down the chimney together!

Anonymous said...

Very funny, your tooth-fairy story ;-) She can get really clumsy sometimes LOL She has to pay some visits here too, my youngest is almost 12 years old but still has lots of teeth to loose, talk about slow hahaha ! By the way, nice pages you made too !

SarahB said...

Great looking quickpages! I have a suspicion about your new project--wonder if I'm right!