Thursday, June 25, 2009

Online Shopping ;)

So lately I have become an ebay buying junky, or online buying at least, cuz ya know I can’t forget Etsy too. Oh how I love Etsy!!!! I showed you the new backup bunny I got off ebay so let’s now show off some of my other purchases, just for fun. Here’s a gooder…it’s a maternity belt, VERY s.e.x.y. LOL!!!!

Seriously I have only worn it about 2 times cuz it’s not that great when I sit all day (the babies are really really low) but if I need to go out and shop and stuff it will help a teensy bit and hey we all know being too s.e.x.y. is what got us into this situation isn’t it?! ROFLMBO!!! SOOOOOO KIDDING!!!

I also got this baby from ebay a few weeks ago!

It's the Skip Hop Duo Double and it's a diaper bag made just for twins! I am so happy cuz EVERY Canadian online store I checked was out of it and it was really irritating me. So I did get a bit of a deal through ebay and the seller also threw in a few other nice things too so that was a plus. :) When I told my hubby that it had 16 pockets we was like…yeah so what. HELLO?! 16 pockets, a multiple mother’s dream! He was also rather amused that it was taking me so long to decide the night I bid on it , I told him I am not deciding I am looking in every canadian online store before putting my ebay bid higher to make sure I don’t pay too much for it. That WAS true but he also knows me well, I tend to have a hard time deciding on things and if you don’t think that could be possible look over some of my posts. ROFLMBO!!! Poor poor man.

And lately I have had the hankering to try my hand at making silver stamped jewelry. I haven’t really broken down and purchased all of the supplies (because they are quite expensive) but I did buy some and can’t wait to try them out for myself! I had a great idea for a little Etsy business (actually 2) and even though stamped jewelry is quite popular nowdays this little idea is something I couldn’t find when looking for something myself and I think it’s quite cute unique and clever. Now my only problem is execution and finding the time heehee. Since I’m a slow mover I wouldn’t want to tell you all and have you make it before I could so it’s stayin a secret for now. Yeah cuz the whole world reads my blog and steals my craft ideas! ROFLMBO!!!

Ok what else? I still need to buy a couple new nursing bras. I found the ones I bought here locally (like $115 or something crazy like that for one) online for like half to two thirds that price so I am definitely going to be ordering 2 of those for when the babies come. I’ll spare you the pic though HAHAHAHAHA!!! Well it wasn’t me modeling it anyway but ya know between the belt and then the bra I thought that may be a bit over the top.

1 comment:

Nola said...

I ♥ online shopping, you and I have so much in common! i am so excited for you to be done work, that just means those lil babies are coming soon!