Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Kelsey turns 11! WOW!

Wow I can’t believe that my oldest is 11. Kelsey is sure growing up. I don’t usually post much about her since she’s older and I wouldn’t want to embarrass her if she or her friends stumbled across this blog but since it’s her birthday I will throw that out the window for today. Heehee. ;)

There are so many things about Kelsey that I don’t want to forget. She is quite the character. ;) We are always telling her that she is weird, her retort…if I wasn’t weird I wouldn’t be me. Heehee, so so true!

For more than a year now she has been wearing different colored socks on each foot. I don’t know why, she says she likes it but I also think she figured out it takes less time to put the socks away if you don’t match them and less time getting ready if you don’t look for matched ones. That doesn’t sound like Kelsey at all. ;) She also has quite the unique sense of fashion. Many times we have to ask her to change before we leave the house. It’s not that she’s dressed badly in the traditional sense of things but that she mixes and matches things that don’t go together. Stripes and polka dots and plaid and camo all in one outfit LOL…again if she weren’t weird she wouldn’t be Kelsey and she’s so right. :)

Kelsey is also a lot like me at that age in that she talks……a lot! It is always an issue in class as it was always an issue for me so I guess she comes by it honestly. (I have to say now…I’m, so sorry mom and dad LOL!) I think it’s because of this chattering that she excels in Language arts and spelling too.

Kelsey is also a very talented artist! She can draw like nobodies business! Seriously! We are trying to encourage her to become a graphic designer for her future. I wish I could draw like that! She is always showing us her newest pictures and I am just amazed by how good she is, there is definitely natural talent there. She also loves to do any kind of arts and crafts too. A girl after momma’s heart.
Another thing that I think shows Kelsey’s true heart is that even on non special occasions you may find a note put on your pillow with a “present” on it (usually one of her stuffies) just saying how much she loves you. She’s such a sweetie at heart, even though these pre teen and teen years can be tough, that little bit of her is always still there. She has done this for as long as I can remember and it always makes me smile.

Kelsey is an AWESOME big sister! And if you can’t take our word for it Maddy’s actions speak louder than words. The first person to get a laugh from Mads was Kelsey, the first person to get a smile from her was Kelsey and on and on. There is a bond there like no other and it is sooooo awesome to see. Maddy sure thinks the world of her big sissy already and I just know she will in the future too!

When talking to Kelsey’s principal one day I heard something that made me quite happy. She complimented Kelsey on how she owned up to her part in any issues. Saying that she was quick to take ownership of her faults and actions when the issue warranted it. That was such a nice compliment to know that Kelsey had been listening and acting as we had taught her all these years. Again it just goes to show the true heart of this little one (ok not really little but you know what I mean) she really truly cares and is so very genuine.

And as much as I love my big girl Kelsey I miss the little girl Kelsey too. The one that was such a happy little thing. The one who at 2 would go up to other kids at the video store and hug and kiss them. The one who when she got excited before she could really talk would make a sound like dooga-dooga-dooga. (Just like Maddy’s flailing arms man, my weird girls LOL!) I miss the sweet cuddles and kisses and hilarious remarks that she used to make (although she still makes those). And even though I miss all those things I now have a beautiful, sweet, genuine and caring growing girl who has taken her place to love as well and that is wonderful too! Happy 11th birthday Kelsey! We love you SO much!

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