Monday, June 8, 2009

HELP, we are drowning in logistics and can’t seem to find our way out, seriously!

First off let me say that Maddy will be 15 months by the time these babies arrive and that is if they go to full term which they won’t, they induce at 38 weeks if you haven’t already delivered. So she will more likely be 14 months. Given that she barely crawls much at almost 12 months I would say she may not even be walking yet at 14 months and even if she is she won’t be able to walk the mall or Walmart so we are in a pickle. Sooooo I need HELP deciding or at least opinions on our options. Poor hubby, I think I confuse him more (and irritate him but that’s a whole other post LOL).

Our problem…momma taking 3 little ones out of the house alone. Here are the options and the issues associated with each.

First off what we already own.
We purchased a baby trend snap and go stroller frame. These are lightweight (much more so than the double strollers) and can accommodate 2 infant car seats.


Of course when the infants move to regular carseats we would need a new double stroller. Not sure if we would want a side by side or tandem yet at this point. And again we already own this one but the box is unopened so if we decide to not use it I will try to sell it on facebook rather than try to drive up to Calgary and return it.

The next option
If we will have to buy a new stroller after the babies grow out of their infant car seats anyway (which Maddy did by about 8/9 months) then maybe we should just buy one of the double strollers now and sell the above thus saving us $100 (although the new stroller would be $250 at least) to use just the snap and go when the double strollers already have that feature too.

The third option
All of the above are great options…if you only have 2 children who aren’t capable walkers…but we will have 3 and I am no hulk Hogan to be carrying Maddy around all the time so we thought that this 3rd option might be good. (We in fact drove to Lethbridge this weekend to try and see it in person and measure it etc only to find out that they don’t carry it ugh!) Anyway, there is also the Joovy Big Caboose.

This stroller can carry 2 infant carseats and has a platform on the back where a third child can sit (no backrest though) or stand. YAY we have found our solution. Wait a minute…Maddy will only be 14 months and the manufacturer says 2 ½ years, ok squeaking their age limit you could probably do it at 2 years. Uhhh by the time Maddy is 2 years the twins will be out of their infant seats and she would be able to walk better anyway. So do we get this one that still won’t help us much right now?

The fourth option…a Triplet stroller
Well finding a triplet stroller would be great, if it fit in our van it would solve all our problems BUT you try finding one in Canada! If you can find one the shipping will kill you and if you find a good one in the states not only will the shipping kill you but will your Canadian car seats (even if they are the same manufacturer) fit to snap in? (Using American car seats is prohibited by law so we can’t purchase the matching car seats except from Canada). Now on to the best part…….they are an arm and a leg, heck if we could sell the twins we still wouldn’t have enough to pay for one! (LOL just kidding we are NOT selling the twins or any of our other children I will become a pack mule and carry them all on my back before we do that! Well, Kelsey is a bit big to do that with so I guess she should walk but she still isn’t for sale heehee!) Anywho I digress. Wanna see what we wish we could afford? It even has a steering wheel! I AM NOT JOKING! ROFLMBO!!!!

It’s the perfect solution to our troubles however it comes with a $1200 pricetag American and the seats that may(because again they would be the Canadian version) fit in it are $300 each so honestly that would be around $2000 just so mommy could get out of the house by herself. UGH, not….going….to….happen (unless we win the lotto) so we can just forget this option all together. Although I have to admit I still look and drool heehee.

Sooooooo now that I have thoroughly confused you all let me throw some more in to the mix. Yesterday hubby was going to order the carseats cuz they are on sale. We are going to go with the Graco snugride this time because our Graco safeseat (now rebranded as Snugride 32) was way too big and heavy and Maddy didn’t stay in it long enough to take advantage of the extra weight it could hold.

So again, we have 2 options which really hinge on what we do above. We could get last years model which are on clearance for only $99 bucks each woo hoo a bargain, and I love the colors. BUT If we do decide to get a matching double stroller instead of using our stand alone frame we can’t get a matching stroller as these are being cleared out due to new stock.

We could however wait to see if the other color we like will go one sale, they are $159 now, and then we could also get the matching stroller that I showed above.

BUT hubby was thinking that once the twins grow out of their infant car seats we would get a triple side by side jogging type stroller for all 3 so should we just wait then on the double one and once they outgrow the frame then we move them to that one? Well that’s fine but if Maddy is older then would she really need a stroller? (Only for times when I am alone, ie short trips to the grocery store.) UGH probably not plus even that stroller is about $1000 bucks too which if we can’t afford that price tag now we certainly won’t be able to while I’m on mat leave. So now we don’t know which carseats to buy either.

My last and final option
Use the carts at the store and only go to Walmart and Superstore. Why only those places? Well because they have 2 tiered carts, one infant seat could go in the bottom, one on the top and Maddy in the front. Yeah I know I won’t have room for much groceries but it will just be for short trips by myself, so I can get a bin to put on the bottom of the cart to use. Yeah this is my best option although rather limiting. Yes we know you in effect have triplets and need to get out of the house every now and then momma to preserve your sanity but you are only allowed to go to 2 places until Maddy can walk well, K? Fun times LOLOLOLOL!

A few more notes: if we use the frame only I could try and “wear” Maddy and push the twins in their infant seats. But Maddy is quite heavy and ummm shall we say spirited heehee. I love her to pieces I honestly do, she is my heart and soul (as is Kelsey too) but let’s face it she is a bit of a high maintenance baby and I can totally see her being mad and not wanting to be “worn”. Sooooo if we get the double stroller (not just the frame) I could wear a lighter more compliant baby (I hope LOL) and have one infant car seat in one spot and Maddy could ride in the other seat. Sounds good doesn’t it. Well until hubby pointed out that during the winter (which is very often -30 around these parts, or even colder) that I won’t want the babies out of their carriers so maybe this logic doesn’t work. Maddy will be in a snowsuit he pointed out so that she can face the cold, ummm yeah but how do you “wear” a baby in a full snowsuit?! OMG SERIOUSLY COULD THIS GET ANY MORE COMPLICATED? Don’t answer that cuz if there happens to be a third hidden in here I WILL die!

So again back to the question I am begging someone to answer for us…how does poor mama leave the house without Daddy?

I know I said I already used my last option but honestly my last option is to now sit in the middle of the floor and cry. I know it all sounds complicated and you’re probably thinking it can’t really be that complicated….oh but it is once you start really thinking things through, or maybe over thinking things. (Don’t even get me started on the seating configuration in the van, if the car seats are so big that they take up all the room to the seat in front of them then how do you reach the backseats? Riddle me that?!)

Ok now that you have made it through this post I have to thank you for trying to help me and the babies out, well and Kelsey and hubby cuz if momma hasn’t left the house in weeks just imagine what I will be like. ;) I am honestly looking for feedback on what you would do, what you would purchase and what you think would work the best. I cannot think about these things anymore, my brain (what was left) is now mush and I need help to figure out what will truly be the best option out of a crazy situation. Sincerely, I hope you can help us out with your ideas! Thanks my friends! XOXOXOXOXOX


Nola said...

well I think the answer to your prayers is....when you feel like going out, call me and I will a)come and watch the twins or b) come and push another stroller/cart for ya!

but I really think the sit and stand is the best one for you even though Mads is still a bit young thats only for now, recently madden has been standing in the shopping cart, they change so fast in a matter of minutes!

Amanda said...

I googled "big caboose pics" and came to your blog! :) I went ahead and read it....I had a similar problem...I was pregnant with my third daughter and my oldest was only going to be 32 months old. (not as young as yours, but still a dilema) though she was much older, we went with the Big Caboose...we LOVE it!!! I now have a 2, 3 and 4 year old and it is HEAVY to push !! We are now getting rid of it, but it was the ONLY thing that saved me from getting out of the house alone for 2 years! I say go with it...about $350.00 and before you know it the older one will want to get in/ the whole time anyway! :)