Friday, June 5, 2009

Fraidy Baby

I showed you pics of Maddy's new swing set last week and she had swung on it once before...well she apparently hates it! Freaked right out when we tried to swing in either swing and go down the slide. Course she was having a bad day that day but ugh seriously, what a little goofball!



Freaking Out!

Oh and the swingset is not the only things this little silly girl is afraid of, wait for it...dun dun dun...sandals! Grandma got her little croc like ones last summer but they didn't fit 'til now so I tried to put them on her and she threw an absolute fit! Okay guess we'll buy some different ones. Um yeah...she totally freaked out in the walmart shoe aisle! Anytime we brought sandals even near her she started to freak out. Like I mean shaking and crying uncontrollably! So weird. So what did these good parents do? Why we bought her some sandals of course and are hoping that if we put them in her toy box that she'll make friends with them. Ahhh Maddy and her quirks! :)

Also last weekend she said hi and waved to daddy, she also said hi and waved to me too but she rarely does this. She will only do things when she wants to even though we know she knows how , there's a saying in our house that gets a lot of mileage, "That's Maddy". Her little quirks really make us laugh.

1 comment:

Nola said...

oh no, a lil girl NOT like shoes...uh oh!!! love the pictures!