Thursday, August 6, 2009

Baby Update

So I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday and everything went fine. Baby girl is still breech...the stinker. The doctor gave me a prescription for diclectin again as my nausea and vomiting seem to be back again. :(  In fact I had lost a tiny bit of weight since my last visit (yeah that would be the vomiting) but he wasn't concerned. Ironically enough I filled my prescription and took it that night and the next day was absolutely unbearably sick. How's that for irony! Thankfully I woke up back to "normal" today (that's my normal not actual normal LOL) cuz yesterday seriously knocked me on my butt.

I had another appointment today but only to do a Non Stress Test or NST. They hooked me and the babies up to the machine to show and record the babies' heartbeats and to see if I was having any contractions. Surprisingly enough I was having a few contractions that I couldn't really feel (about 3 to 4 in a half hour) but the nurse wasn't concerned so I guess that's ok. Babies did well too. Baby girl actually stayed put for 95% of the test! WOW! Baby boys patterns were great, he showed highs and lows as they like to see and baby girls were ok, she didn't do such highs and lows but still performed well. :)

And now I bring you the dumb mom moment. It finally dawned on me that what I have been feeling lately are indeed contractions even though they are not painful per se. What I thought was just somehow the babies stretching really hard against my belly to make it all hard is (DUH) most likely braxton hicks. My belly turns rock hard and it's a bit hard to breathe and a lot uncomfortable to walk etc and then about 30 seconds later they pass. Hmmmm can't believe I didn't realize that til today but yeah I didn't. Hey in my defense I have never had any in my previous pregnancies so I would only know what the real thing painful contractions feel like. I guess since my uterus is stretched much further than with either of those it would inevitably start to get irritable LOL.

Oh and I forgot to mention, I can't believe I forgot to mention, but alas I did forget to mention (LOL it's late and I'm feeling goofy) that at my last appt. my belly is measuring 40 weeks and I am only ahem 33 weeks, the miracle of twins LOL. So normally women this big would be havin their baby by now but we still have 7 weeks til my due date, yeah it's pretty comfortable around here...NOT. Ooops another thing I forgot to mention, I can't believe I forgot to mention, did I tell you I forgot to mention (ok, ok I get it, you don't think it's funny anymore LOL) but we also set my induction date just in case for September 8th.

Oh yeah and we moved Kelsey to her new bedroom last weekend, she's in love with it! So dear hubby spent all last weekend spackling, sanding, painting and carpet cleaning her old room for the new nursery. :)  It's so much nicer now! Thanks babe, I can always count on him! Sorry ladies he's taken. ;)  We also got a bunch of bankers boxes and organized the clothes that we have for the twins by size and boy or girl so we should be able to find clothes easier now when we need to move sizes when the babies start to grow.

Well there's lots more I could tell you but I am pooped! I will try and update again soon. We have an ultrasound next Tuesday and another NST Thursday so I will let you all know how those go. Off to bed, or at least the couch. ;)

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