Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Baby Update

HOLY COW can you guess how much these babies weigh? 6 lbs 10 oz and 6 lbs 13 oz…a mere 3 to 5 ounces from 7 pounds!! No wonder why I am falling apart!


My doc appointment went ok, my blood pressure was up around 130 something over 90 something so it is starting to creep up on the bottom number , and there was some protein spilling into my system so these are both things to watch. My belly is also measuring 47 weeks at 36 weeks.


We do have a tentative induction date of September 8th however the doc said that if my body is showing signs of readying for labor and my blood pressure is still not perfect then they might talk about inducing me after my appointment next Tuesday so maybe the following day. I am thinking once he gets the ultrasound results he may just do that cuz if we end up with two 8 + pounders with one being breech the chances of a natural delivery might not be as good but I’m no doctor LOL.


They both scored 8/8 on their tests again today and again were seen practice breathing so yay!!! Oh and Baby Girl B on the last 2 ultrasounds has shown us some hair too. ;) How cute!


I am anxious to not be pregnant anymore, but still nervous about labor delivery and having 2 newborns! But I need my body back, I am just useless right now and getting worse and can’t stand it. I know I will be tired and stressed once they come but at least I will be able to move 2 feet without being out of breath, LOL. I will update Thursday after my non stress test. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope everything goes well for you Michelle! and soon...I can't believe that measuring at 47 weeks is even an option! COME OUT OF THERE BABIES!!! Thank you for keeping us all updated on your progress, hope the next blog is about two new beautiful and obviously very healthy babies!