Sunday, August 16, 2009

Surprise it’s a baby shower!


I had been holding off on posting about this because I wanted to show off the thank you cards I made and didn’t want to show them here until they were printed and sent but I think I will do it without those now since I ordered more to send to others as well. ;) I do finally have them printed and sent, yay!

Printing was a nightmare, if you want to upload your own image in its entirety, as in having the whole front of the card be your image, then it makes things a bit more difficult. Costco is great for printing but alas even their cards are printed as photos and have that Fujifilm logo all over the back…who wants that on your cards? And their “blank” card template really only applied to half the size of the card so hmmm my design was way too small. I FINALLY got it done at Staples, as a real card and was happy it didn’t take the full 5 - 10 days it said when I uploaded and ordered. I think they turned out cute too (if I do say so myself LOL). Although the girls have probably I forgot all about them by now! Sorry guys, had my heart SET on doing them myself. ;) (Nola you know what I mean heehee.)

Anyway let’s get to the reason I needed them! You have all heard about my Mommy and Me Group, we met when our babes were only a couple months old through our local health unit, they had classes each Wednesday morning on various baby topics and I decided to go to one. Well our class was sooo chatty and enjoyed each other’s company so much that when the classes were done we took down each others phone numbers and emails and have kept in touch via facebook and monthly get togethers. So all our kids are around the same ages (give or take 3 months) and they have not only been fun and company but also support, I am sooo happy I met them all! I have to log on to facebook at least once a day to see what they are all up to or I feel so lost LOL! And by now we have celebrated almost all of them turning one already! How time goes by! I have truly enjoyed getting to know them and look forward to many years of watching all of our kids grow up and welcoming a bunch more new ones! :)

So these sweethearts collaborated with hubby to throw us a surprise baby shower and it was SOOOO NICE!!!! I can’t tell you how touched and happy I was/am! It was so nice to know just that they were thinking of us enough to go to all that work. What a great bunch of gals! I came in and heard voices and when I came into the kitchen and saw them I started crying. So seriously sweet of them!!! We had a great afternoon visiting and opening gifts! Not only were these friends SO GENEROUS but they even brought food to freeze to make dinners and snacks easier after the babies come!!! Seriously awesome!! I have had to use restraint to not pop them into the oven already! ;)

We took lots of pictures but since my blog is open to everyone I won’t post them here as I don’t think they’d like their faces plastered on the net but once they are edited I will post them on my facebook page for my “friends” to see.

So a HUGE thank you to my gals, you made my mat leave so much fun and I can’t wait to watch our kids all grow up and keep in touch with all of you! You all mean so much to me and I appreciate it soooo much!

PS – A big shout out to hubby for cleaning the house for the party and getting me out and about that morning. You rock, but then again that’s nothing new! ;)

1 comment:

Nola said...

aww, you are so sweet, I am so happy you enjoyed your baby shower!