Monday, August 17, 2009

Maddy Update


So since it's been a while I thought I'd give a Maddy update. :) Our little princess is growing up sooo fast!She is soooooo much like her daddy too, it's adorable! She is also the biggest daddy's girl! Even mommy doesn't rate heehee.

So being like daddy means she is somewhat quiet and reserved. She can say a lot of words but she will only say them once in a while when she feels like it. (Have I mentioned how stubborn she is lately heehee?) SO new words to add are kitty and  puppy along with all her good old favorites. She still never says momma or mom or anything, only like 4 times ever but I know she loves me, on the other hand when daddy comes home she scoots down the hall and to the gate screeching daddy yay or dad, dada! What a girl! Considering the upcoming birth of the twins it's probably best that she's a daddy's girl right now anyway. ;)

And her latest and greatest escapade is standing up!!! YAY MADDY!!! Now I know many babies reach this milestone a few months earlier than Maddy has but she is following a typical pattern that starts with stubborness! ROFL! We are sooooooo proud of her and she is too. We all clap and say yay when she pulls herself up, it's only been like about a week and a half since she really started liking doing this and she has gotten so good at it already! She even does a little shake and shimmy dance to show she’s excited and proud of herself. We are hoping she moves on to the next step soon, as usual with our sweetie she does things only when she is ready and no sooner so we will just have to wait and see. ;)

This little girl of ours is also a little terror in her highchair, she will just grab and toss whatever she wants over the edge or put her hands on the tray and just sweep it all around and off the tray (much to our dogs’ pleasure). So I started pointing at the tray when she would pick up a piece of food to throw, I would tap the tray with my finger and say put it back on the tray Maddy. Well about 2 weeks ago she grabbed a piece of food, threw it as usual and then looked at me and smiled tapping the tray with her finger just like mommy! What a little stinker heehee! I couldn't stop laughing at my little mischief maker, especially with that smirk on her face. Ahhh she is gonna be trouble LOL!

As I have said before Maddy doesn't crawl in the traditional way she "bum scoots" and this is seriously affecting our pocketbook! She has now gone through quite a few pairs of shorts and the replacement shorts are one wash away from the holes growing big enough that you can definitely see them. What a kid!!! I now have to stop being so lazy and just use specific pants or shorts at home and leave the good ones for going out in, how sad is that LOL.

I spent some time editing some pics to quickly share with you so here they are. :)

Maddy’s first ruined pair of shorts, they went from teeny tiny holes that you could hardly see at the beginning of the day to this, no kidding. It only takes about 2 weeks if that to go from brand new to this point.  What a girl!




We have to now put the dog dishes up, I tried to get her used to them but she just will not stay away…notice Rotten Roxy eyeing Maddy’s cracker on the floor.

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Here’s our little messy haired girl after a bath :) She has a ton of hair


Mohawk Time

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Chillin at the Stampede Parade this year


And that’s about it. :)

I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning so I will update the baby situation then ;) And I can’t believe that Kelsey starts school on the 31st! WOWZERS! Time flies and my how the kids are growing!!! (And so am I roflmbo!!!) I’ll post a pic of me soon, I promise…maybe ;)

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