Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mads is BACK! For now LOL ;)

Wouldn't ya know it Boxing Day seemed to be the ticket for Mads...she woke up happy and was back to her old self again!!! ALLLLLL DAY!!! We were in heaven! You really don't know (ok well you do but it just hits home harder) how cranky your child has been when they get back to being their nice normal selves after three whole weeks of h.e.l.l.. And I'm happy to report that yesterday the 27th was a GREAT day too! Could we be getting our little cutie pie back?! I SURE hope so! We still don't know what it was, she doesn't have any teeth yet so I don't think it was that? I was starting to worry it was an ear infection but we just don't know. We are back to formula though now, guess she finally got over her sick tummy enough to want to get back on the formula and resist the b.o.o.b. heehee. So she's been eating better too although still not too interested in solids. :( We're trying to get that back on track too.


Christmas was great here in our household, and it's always kind of sad when it's done. Although I finally have had some time to play with my new ipod now that things have settled down and I am having a blast! I still only managed to get 4 songs loaded though and no pics, why does everything seem to take me so long now????? LOL I think there's a 6 month old who could tell you why heehee!


Anyway, I'm hoping to get some pics of Christmas uploaded soon, dummy me, I loaded them to facebook and then deleted them (only the fixed jpegs, yeah I'm a photo fixer not a straight uploader LOL! Those zits and red eyes just will not do! Heehee!)


Anyway, my little lady slept in this morning and I think she's waking up so off I go, as I always say to her "Good Morning Sunshine"...there's no face sweeter! (Kelsey is also included in that last line! Can't forget my girl that's growing up, she's sooo beautiful too!)

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