Thursday, December 25, 2008


WOW Do I really have a spare second on Christmas day? DH is upstairs with Maddy while she is having a nap, once she gets up it's shower time and then head off to the IL's for dinner so yup here I sit dressed and ready waiting for Maddy so we can get this show on the road lol!


Christmas at our house this year was supposed to be scaled back but darn if we weren't all spoiled for sure! Heehee. I got an ipod touch (yay my first mp3 player!) and a digital chi hair straightener and a pair of black Emu's no...not the animal the boots that are similar to Uggs and few other things! Does is sound like I was spoiled?! YOU BETCHA!!! Thanks Honey! You are SOOOOO good to us!


Kelsey got a ton too but her big gift was an ipod nano, green in color of course! ;) And my lovely hubby got a sattelite radio and a new garage door opener among other things. Maddy got a TON of presents too and she loves them all so far, but only for like 10 seconds each LOL! She really did well unwrapping for being only 6 months!


Unfortunately she is still completely out of sorts. :(  We were up half the night and she just won't stop fussing. I think we are gonna have to go back to the doc to see if there's something wrong. We can't feel ANY teeth so it's doubtful it's that. Maybe an ear infection although she has always just played with her ears and it doesn't seem to be more than usual lately. We certainly won't forget this Christmas LOL!

Well I think she's up, so off we go! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE WE KNOW AND LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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