Saturday, December 20, 2008

Long time no post...

Well things have gotten crazy around here. Remember when I said I was sick? Well last weekend DH got it, the next day Kelsey got it and Maddy already had come down with it Wednesday night too...UGH! So the past week and a half was spent in a sick haze for everyone, except for me but dealing with the sickies left me in a grumpy haze LOL! Even my computer got sick! It got a stinkin trojan so mega bucks later it's (finally) back home where it belongs, sigh, at least I didn't lose any data.


I'm glad to report that everyone is finally better but Maddy has gone through some changes. Since she was sick she started b.r.e.a.s.t.f.e.e.d.i.n.g. again (which is fine I had mixed feelings about her being completely formula fed) but she won't eat solids anymore. :( I am trying but she is as stubborn as they come and is still resisting. Her appetite is finally almost back to normal (minus the aforementioned complaint LOL) so that's a good sign though.


She kept us up half the night last night though and is cranky as all get out today, I felt inside her mouth and still no teeth so I don't know if it's teething or not. Poor little girl and poor mommy and daddy.


We went to see Santa at the mall last night and she was being complimented left right and center. Everyone thought she was just too cute and since we are definitely biased we have to agree. ;) (Crankiness and all heehee.) Here's our beautiful little princess!





I have mixed feelings today, I want to get out of the house and it might do Maddy some good but with the windchill warning it's about minus 40 right now so I'm not feeling up to braving that, or even getting fixed up due to the late night last night. I might just make a Starbucks and A&W run, so we can get out and get some lunch without actually "getting out" LOL!

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