Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Mojo is gone

Man I don't know what's happened to me, my mojo seems to have disapeared. I sit in front of the computer and just feel like going and laying on the couch...must be the cold weather or the days getting dark earlier. I just don't even feel like scrapping or playing with my photos or even editing my video clips of Maddy, it's so weird. So instead I am blogging LOL about NOTHING heehee.


I was horribly sick this weekend, I'm thankful I am over that for sure! Whatever it was it wasn't fun! And I'm still never going back to the restaurant that I went to only hours before I got sick, DH doesn't believe me but that's how sick I was.


I have so much to do lately and just so little time, Maddy is still my velcro baby so we can only get small amounts of things done at a time, but hey, I'm not on mat leave to clean the house or cook gourmet meals, I'm on mat leave to care for her...or at least that's what I say to myself when I feel bad about never being able to get things done haha!


We have pretty much stopped b.r.e.a.s.t. f.e.e.d.i.n.g. now, when we got her to take a bottle she decided that she likes it much better and will hardly eat from me anymore. That's ok I guess, I really was not planning for her to be like walking and still doing it so hey not too bad of a run I guess. So she gets her bottles (about 6 oz) and 2 meals of rice cereal a day now which she enjoys immensly!!! On her 6 month birthday we will introduce her to sweet potatos I think. ;) I got these cool home made baby food containers called baby cubes and I can't wait to use them. The "I have to have it" magic bullet that I have never used yet will finally come in handy LOL! (I hadddd to have it one day while pregnant and shopping at Costco so I could make myself smoothies and well spent the $$$ and never made a smoothie, sounds like me doesn't it ROFL!)


I still need to take my little cutie to see Santa but I think it will be either Friday or Monday before I get to that cuz we have stuff to do lately. I have met a great groups of new mommies and we are taking our babes swimming tomorrow morning and then the next day is a get together at one of their houses so I'm excited and Maddy would be too if she could talk. ;)


Oh and it finally snowed here :( with freezing rain beforehand so the roads are pretty slick. At least for my taste. I did go out today and my traction control kept kicking in and we were still sliding sideways, not a lot but when you feel it start to slip it's still scary, especially with my precious cargo! I would rather if it has to snow have it cold enough for dry powder than hovering around freezing so we get wet snow and ice YUCK!


Ok enough rambling from me, we've covered mojo, being sick, velcro babies, the fact that I s.u.c.k. as a housewife LOL, a baby's meal plan, shopping at Costco while pregnant, fun with friends and snow.....hmmmm......think that about sums it up! LOL, how's this post for random?! Now for more randomness, I'm off to make a grilled cheese at 11 pm, I've been craving one every night for days now so I might just have to do it! 

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