Saturday, January 2, 2010

Transitioning to the crib

I should preface this by saying that Maddy slept in her bassinet til she was like 6 to 8 months, yeah way too long but I am a total suck what can I say. ;) When the twins came home we tried the crib the first night (in our room) and they hated it, although they hated everything that first night home, somehow they ended up in the bassinet side by side and there they have stayed ever since…they will be 4 months tomorrow.


So while hubby is off on vacation we decided to try to transition them to their crib finally, you know…before they fall through the bottom of the bassinet due to their combined weight and break some of their cute little body parts that I would miss too much. If the bassinet was rated for their weight you know they’d still be in there haha! So we tried the night before last night, it was a miserable failure! Mr Jackson hated it and cried most of the night off and on and as in true fashion when he finally stopped towards the early morning Miss Jae started up. Wow we were seriously lacking sleep yesterday and so were the babes. Now you would think that would make for a great day in which they would catch up on their missing sleep but that was not the case. It was a horrible day and seriously had us scrambling for ideas on how to make them more cozy in their new home.


So Maddy and I went out shopping to try and find some stuff to make the twins, once again, snug as two bugs in 1 rug (did you like that? heehee, cuz seriously you almost needed a shoehorn to get them outta the bassinet.)


Off we went to walmart, I seriously hate this store and have been trying not to go there lately, it’s a long story and someday I’ll fill you all in on my love hate relationship that is wally-world but for now I need to stay on topic. ;) $50 later I bought one of these thinking we could lay it in the crib and they could still be snug as a bug in 1 rug (i’m gonna wear out the cuteness on that if I keep saying that aren’t I?).  The 2 of them actually did fit in there side by side…ahem snug-ly.


We didn’t use it and it’s going back today.


I was also looking for a bumper pad for the crib to help make them feel more secure and I thought I had seen them sold separately but no such luck. I searched the mall and they only came in bedding sets, so what’s a mom to do? Buy a bedding set of course! Now to most moms this would be thrilling but to me this is a choice that will shape the entire personality and life of the new baby, this is not something to be taken lightly if it will shape their whole future…no? you don’t think so? Well I don’t actually either but you would think I did by how much thought and indecisiveness goes into making a purchase like this for me, ugh I’m slightly on a tangent here.


Anyway, we needed a bumper pad and so I had to make my decision and fast. No internet shopping for the perfect set and waiting for it to arrive, no browsing through the catalog and getting it just right, nope just buy it now and take it home which in this town (especially when you’re me) is next to impossible.


While I was at Sears I had seen a boy set there that I liked before, sure enough it was still there, they had one left. I grabbed it, put it back, grabbed it, put it back and then decided to take a picture of it and the others so I cold go home empty handed and make my hubby help me decide. (poor man!) I made it a few hundred feet away and decided to just throw caution to the wind, to heck with it, make my hubby proud…I’d just BUY IT, cue the music! So I turned around, scooped it up and took it to the register. (I did of course ask if they had the matching mobile, they didn’t darn it, but I found one on ebay, my life is now complete hahaha!) So here is a terrible picture of what it looks like.  It really is cute in person and the cars and planes are pieced together out of felt. (It was a great buy too!)


tyler crib


For now the 2 of them will sleep in one crib so that leaves me with a few more months to find “just the right set” for Jae rofl *wink *.


I really do like this set, although that didn’t stop me from second guessing it when I got home and showed it to hubby. By then I had realized that I could probably borrow a bumper pad from a friend and take our time ordering the perfect set online, he convinced me it was just right for our little man…see why I need him?! HAHA!


Update: I started writing this post a few days ago and just finished it today. I am happy to say that after all of the hulabaloo over bedding and making their crib cozy with their new diggs they decided they liked it yay! It was only one awful night and I am so proud of them for moving to their big bed. :) Now what do I do with the used moses basket we bought to fit in the crib rofl?!

1 comment:

Nola said...

HAHA Michelle you and I are so alike lol
I totally would've borrowed you mads bumper pad!