Tuesday, January 19, 2010

By the skin of our teeth

is how I’ve been describing things lately, seems to describe things nicely since teeth don’t have skin. Wanna know what I did tonight? Well actually why don’t I make a list of a few of the dumb things have sadly started to feel like second nature lately.


Tonight I changed Jae’s diaper, came out to the living room and wondered why her sleeper and my shirt were wet…….I forgot to put a new diaper back on, didn’t even put the old one back on either. Just did up her sleeper naked and all and didn’t even notice.  WOW!


The other day I was makin chili and could not for the life of me get the automatic can opener to work. It was just working on the previous 2 cans! I tried about 10 times before getting mad and digging through the drawer for the hand can opener, still no friggin luck ugh! So I dug some more and whad’ya know the can openers were staging a revolt! That was at least what I thought until I realized I had been trying to open the can upside down. I say again…WOW!


As hubby will tell you I am a McDonalds addict, more accurately on days when I leave the house I don’t have time to make lunch when I get home before all 3 kids are screaming from hunger so we usually get McD’s on the way home for Maddy and I. Maddy always gets a happy meal with a milk. Since I have too much to carry into the house I always put her little milk carton in my purse. Now since I always do that you would think I’d remember to take it out of said purse wouldn’t you?! Wrong!  There’s something sad about saying “I have go to stop putting milk in my purse”. WOW!


Oh and did you know that your sugar container is NOT your coffee cup? Apparently I didn’t get that memo either.


There’s more but I’m tired and I’ll save that for later wouldn’t want y’all to bust a gut laughing too hard.


Of all the things I’ve lost I miss my mind the most. (And time to pee and change my underwear but that’s a different story!)

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