Friday, January 22, 2010

A tale of 2 babies

Jae is a spitfire like Maddy, trouble all the way! She was the troublemaker in the womb too so it’s no surprise. Jackson is just how I pictured him from his personality in the womb too interestingly enough, laid back, quiet and sweet.


Jae does not like to nap, she does not like to do much of anything but be cuddled and held and sometimes play, she is a little stinker but ohhh sooo cute, her saving grace heehee. Crazy enough she fights her naps all day but is an absolute angel to put to bed at night (must be too exhausted by then hahaha). She is usually asleep within 1 minute of laying her down in the crib (thankfully!).


Jackson on the other hand, who is by all accounts an angel all day and naps almost as soon as you put him in his swing, is a horror to put to bed at night. Ok not really a horror ;)  but he can cry and fuss for up to 45 minutes at times before he falls asleep. It’s like they switch personalities at about 9 pm at night, seriously. It’s sooo weird hahaha!


Jae loves to chew things and grab onto things, Jackson usually sits there with his little hands folded and likes to look at things vs play with them.  They are such a funny pair.  Jae does well sitting up in her bumbo and jumperoo, Jackson however is still quite wobbly in his bumbo many times listing to the side (with his little hands still folded heehee) man he is cute!


The other day Jackson had already been put down for his nap and Jae was going to follow soon, I was just giving her a bit more time to play when I noticed things had gotten very quiet. This is the 2nd time she has started to fall asleep in her bumbo only this time she did so with her favorite toy in her mouth. Thought it was cute (especially given her general fondness for naps ya know heehee) so I had to get it on video.




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