Monday, October 26, 2009

This is my life…

sitting on the couch feeding baby jack

baby jae is still in bed, she’s crying now but i can’t get to her (i hate that!)

maddy is pulling the barrette out of her hair and sticking it in her mouth, i try to get her to bring it to me (cuz i’m still feeding baby jack) but she won’t…she just pretends to dip it in some dip and stick it back in her mouth and say mmmmmmmm with a smile (this is what she does now when eating or drinking)

baby jae still crying

baby jack is done-ish

get up to burp baby jack and see what maddy is doing at the end of the couch so quietly

hmmm she’s sitting smack on top of the dog!|(poor nelly)

baby jack is changed and in his bouncy

baby jae is now feeding

maddy is at the end of the couch out of sight again wonder which dog she is sitting on now

baby jae is needing to be burped and changed

now that i stand up i see mads is yet again sitting on nelly poor nelly

baby jae spits up all down the back of me and the hallway floor

change jae and return for second part of feed

maddy is now sitting on the corner of the dog bed, playing with her toys…good or at least better than sitting on the dog

continue feeding jae

maddy decides to be good and come stand by mommy, much better…ok maybe not, now she’s coming after the netbook

close netbook and put out of reach

finish feeding jae

burp jae

maddy sits on my leg and bounces trying to ride it like a horsey, maddy be careful be very careful


put jae in bouncer

pour more coffee


deep breaths deep breaths…patience is a necessity


repeat every 3 to 4 hours


I love my kids


my days however are a crazy chaotic mess ROTFLMBO!!!!


Nola said...

I LOVE this...can i copy it to my blog?? as I have an idea for a blog post?

Chelle Belle said...

Sure Nola, when I was writing it it reminded me of your crazy day posts LOL!