Monday, October 5, 2009

4 1/2 weeks

Wow can the twins really be almost 5 weeks? Holy cow that has gone by fast! Today marks my first day at home alone with all 3 little ones and so far so good. The twins are a bit fussy today as they both seem to have a touch of a cold but thankfully it doesn’t seem too bad. What’s the latest? Not much, just trying to make it through each day.


The twins are somewhat showing signs of a schedule. Their last feed is usually around 10 to 11:30 and that ends up being bedtime so that’s much better than the 1 or 3 or 6 am that they were doing.  ;) That last feed is also a formula feed as they are usually quite happy after a bottle, can you say milk drunk?! LOL!  And they usually sleep around 5 hours or so til the next feed so having 5 hours in a row is quite nice!!! Now that I am alone at home we are planning to do a lot more formula, I need to be able to tend to Maddy and spend quality time with her and take care of her so that is the reality of things with twins and a 15 month old but hey so far this morning we managed breakfast for Maddy and nursing for the twins morning feed so that’s good! :) I figure the lunch feed will be a bottle and by the next feed big sis Kelsey will be home to help with Mads so I think I will nurse again. I really want to make sure they still get some b.milk especially since they are a bit sick right now. I still plan to nurse at night as long as my milk holds out.


I have to say that I do feel somewhat guilty and hesitant on actually pulling the trigger on more bottle feedings but we still managed to get 4 1/2 solid weeks of nursing into them and that to me is success, it’s just that pesky nagging mommy guilt that I have to learn to deal with. ;)


So far having twins is not too bad, it is coming with a lot of exhaustion in this house but at least hubby and I haven’t pulled our hair out yet (although we’ve come close LOL). I’m am sure there will be days where I will but so far we are doing quite well handling all that comes our way (if I do say so myself!). So I have to say thank you to everyone who has helped us make it this far! My parents who all came to stay with us and help us with cooking and baby holding and babysitting! My in laws for watching the kids while I was in the hospital and for cooking and bringing meals! My friends for meals and visits too and everyone who has helped so far, it is MUCH appreciated and has truly helped us get to where we are today!


I am still working on photos and will hopefully have some to share soon, I am a BIT busy these days so I have to just try and squeeze in some time to upload them and tweak them here and there. But soon we will have some professional pics of the twins and that is exciting too. Next Monday we are getting them done so I can’t wait!!


Ok well I better run, kids need to be hugged loved and generally tended to heehee. Be back soon…hopefully!!!

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