Thursday, October 22, 2009

No clever title ;)

Well I just thought I'd pop in and say again, yes we are still alive! Things are super busy around here as I'm sure you all can imagine. The babies were 7 weeks old yesterday! I cannot believe it! On the one hand it seems like just yesterday but on the other hand it feels like they've been here forever! These little ones are sure hard work but little sweeties. They also have very different and distinct peronalities.

Jackson is our laid back little fella, he has his moments but overall is pretty good. He is my sweet little man! He is the one who is usually wailing on the way home from the store for lunch, we should have called him (starvin) Marvin. I think it's sooo cute how his hands and feet are so much bigger than his sisters. Having never had a boy it's kinda cool to see the differences like that. He's also my spit-up boy and has had a few moments of projectile vomiting from his chair. He's a noisy little sleeper and it seems like he's taught his sis to be so as well. They are both always grunting and groaning awake or asleep.

And Jae, she is the more spirited little one ;) shall we say. She usually has something to say and boy she'll let you know. Her feet are super tiny like Maddy's were (her feet didn't really grow til right when the twins were born and then they really grew skipping a size!) I have a feeling Jae will be the same. She has the sweetest little looks and I just love how she purses her little lips and looks at you with her certain look. She's pretty cute! She keeps us on our toes for sure, a lot like Maddy did. She actually reminds me a lot of Maddy.

They both have a fussy time that can start anywhere from 5:30 pm and it usually lasts til their last feed at around 10:30. Thankfully they usually calm down if they are held so we all play hot potato with the babies and Maddy in the evenings. ;) It's exhausting but it could be worse for sure! (I seem to remember a little girl who liked to scream during those same hours each night heehee.)

This is all very very very hard work, there are days I feel like sobbing but for the most part I keep focusing on how proud of myself I am that I am making it through each day with twins and a 16 months old. (Nothin like tooting my own horn eh?) I'm not saying I'm perfect, not saying the house is clean and meals are cooked (my poor hubby!)I'm just amazed that I am still here in one piece and so is everyone else. ;) Some lady at the store yesterday asked me how I could be so happy with 2 newborns and I told her COFFEE LOL!!! Today Maddy went to daycare and so I went out shopping to a store other than superstore and walmart and ran into a lady who had 5 year old twins. It's funny how you can feel a kinship and just start chatting with a stranger. It was nice to hear some of her perspective on twins and getting through the first few months. She said that someone once told her that the days seem to go by slowly but the months fly by and that is so true!

Maddy is getting funnier each day if that is possible. Yesterday I caught her putting her cup on the endtable but not before putting a coaster down first, LOL! It was intentional too, guess they really do watch us. :)

Yesterday when Kelsey came home she asked me if there was a reason that there was a bunch of toilet paper and a sucky in the tub...hmmmm...oh yeah Maddy was playing in the bathroom with me while I was getting ready in the morning and that must have been her handiwork LOL! Ohhh our little girl, she keeps us in stitches for sure! I LOVE this age of hers, full of giggles and laughter for everyone. :) She is also obsessed with puppies, she will wake up and play in her crib and almost every single word she says is puppies, puppies, puppies it's pretty cute!

We are exhausted and busy but oh so blessed!

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