Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Frazzled Mommy Diaries


So I have not one but 2 crazy stories to tell you! I'll start with the one yesterday.

The Mall and The Beloved Bunny

We went to the mall (Maddy and I) to look for shoes for mommy and a new/smaller stroller for Maddy. We walked the entire length of the mall into Zellers, Sears and The Bay (which are all on opposite ends). When I get back to Zellers I realize.........OH NO..................BUNNY IS GONE!!!!! For those of you who don't know, Maddy has this little tiny blankie with a bunny head on it. This has been with her since day one, she sleeps with him and takes him EVERYWHERE and since she has started daycare she has started being really dependant on him even more. Sadly when I bought him months before she was born I wasn't in full on mommy mode yet or I would have bought 2 as he has turned into her "lovey" (or security blanket).

I was already exhausted (I'm very sick with a cold right now, not to mention other reasons which we shall leave secret for no lol) and ready to go home but we HAD to try and find Bunny so I buy a water (that I will totally need to get through the whole search) and take my other purchase out to the van to just make sure he isn't in there. Nope no Bunny and frazzled mommy that I am also leaves the water in there in my bag UGH! Now I know you're thinking I could just buy another but seriously I only ever have my debit card and for 1 water...yeah right they probably wouldn't even let me, plus I was in a huge panic.

So we backtracked to every single place we had been, I'm shaking, red faced and sweating and literally ready to pass out but the search must go on. This story does have a good ending though...Bunny was in the last place we looked and all was well again. Except for me who expended and exceeded my daily energy quota by like 2 weeks! UGH, it's worth it though.

The worst part about this? I kept thinking to myself that either it would be turned in or someone would take it for themselves...since we have all been sick and Maddy has been sick for over a week now I figured if someone decided to kidnap bunny at least they'd most likely get sick outta the deal ROFLMBO! That's sooooooooo bad isn't it?!  ;)

Disclaimer: I have tried to find another one on the internet to get a backup but no luck, Bunny appears to be the only Bunny out there. :( Heehee


So there's yet another story in the frazzled mommy diaries, let's call it

The Mall and The Mega Exploding Diaper

Yes, yes I know you see a pattern here....I probably should quit going to the mall LOL! After another full day in the mall, this time Maddy and Kelsey and I, I grab Maddy from her stroller and go to put her in the car seat when Kelsey starts yelling and I feel something wet...I look back and there is poop ALL OVER the seat of the stroller!! Which I know means all over the back of her! UGH! So I figure rather than go back into the store with poop everywhere and since I can't really put her back in a poopy stroller I can try to change her in the back of the van........BAD IDEA!!

I didn't really realize how windy it was outside and well that freaks Maddy out. So we got the changing pad laid down on the back hatch of the van and laid her on it, we got her little jeans off and sweater off and found yup it was EVERYWHERE! Uh oh.....I only have 4 wipes! UGH what are we going to do?! (Maddy is screaming bloody murder through all of this mind you.) So I look around to find some blankets I could wrap her in to go and buy more wipes in the store and change her in there. While I am starting to wrap her up trying to not get poop everywhere she PEES!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!! I am seriously dying here! What the heck do I do?! So I  figure I could put a diaper on her just to get her in (in case she peed or pooed again while I was walking into the store) but.....there is only 1 diaper left! By this time I am sooo frazzled and trying to figure out a way to change and clean a kid that has poo up to her neck with no wipes left and 1 diaper.

Thankfully a store employee came over and asked if she could help. I don't know if passersby saw us and sent someone out to help or if maybe she was out on her break but I started crying and saying I have no wipes left and there's poo everywhere so she ran in and got a bunch of wet paper towels for me, oh thank goodness! So I cleaned her up as best as I could and wrapped some paper towel around her and headed into the store.

Thankfully Kelsey was there to stay with the van because since there was poop all over the stroller I had to just leave it unfolded in the parking lot until I cleaned it up! UGH! Maddy hates the change table thingies in bathrooms too so she screamed bloody murder the ENTIRE time I tried to clean her up with soap and water and paper towels. It was a GONG SHOW!

Whew, now that that's done...guess what I have to go and do....laundry is calling my name and so is the stroller. I guess I should stay away from the mall from now on huh?! UGH! I'm still sick and even more tired now. ;)

1 comment:

Nola said...

OMG Michelle I soooo feel for you, I was in the exact same situation....and a store employee came to my rescue too....I now keep extra wipes and an outfit (probably too small now) in the Truck