Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Just had to share my newest layout!

So I just finished this layout minutes ago but I just love how it turned out so I have to share it before I head off to bed. ;) One of Maddy's first nicknames is Maddy-Moo-Who...I don't know where it came from, but it rhymed and well that's what counts ROFL! Soooooo I wanted this page to have a Dr Seuss feel in honor of her "Who" last name (as in the Whos from Whoville and the Grinched movie etc heehee). And I am LOVING how the cluster of pictures turned out! What a cutie!

Journaling reads:

Maddy-moo-who was your very first nickname from mommy. It started off in the hospital as just Maddy-moo and the next thing I knew I was calling you Maddy-moo-who just like the Dr. Seuss characters in the movie Grinched. I have no idea why, maybe it was your cute little button nose but it stuck and for the first few months of life you were my little Maddy moo who.


In other news we started Mommy and Me Bellydancing classes today, yeah I know, go ahead and laugh LOL! But it'll be fun and may help me shed some pounds heehee so I'm game!


Maddy is still being quite the handful :( she's in a stage where all she wants is for mommy to hold her and no one else which makes it quite challenging to eat, do laundry, go to the bathroom, cook, clean, pick your nose (just kidding) ROFL, well you get the picture! ;)  Oh well at least she loves me. ;) (None of this changes the fact that we are so blessed to have her in our lives, I am sooo head over heels in love with this little screamer heehee!)


Daddy had a meeting in Calgary so he went to Toys R Us and brought home a Bumbo seat I have been dying to try! Maddy has been so strong ever since she was born and is always doing little baby situps if you lay her on her back so this awesome little seat will help her actually sit up! I can't wait, I hope she likes it! I am hoping this will make picture taking easier too, or at least more versatile than the laying down photos that my hard drive is full of LOL!


Ok well it's almost midnight so I should feed cutie pie and get to bed. I need my beauty sleep after all. Wow it must be late cuz I'm really getting corny now LOL!

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