Monday, September 1, 2008

Bad bad blogger lol

Well there is no excuse...ok actually there is it's just not that good lol. I had this whole long post written out ages ago about my baby's birth got lost in cyberspace somewhere and I just haven't been able to blog because I hadn't blogged the birth story yet. I'm over that now though lol. I will give you a short recap and then we can get on with blogging ok? (Not like anyone's reading anyway lol!)


Our baby girl is here, her name is Madison Joy and she entered the world at 8:44 am June 13th weighing 8 pounds and 1.4 ounces. We were due to be induced that same morning so she decided to wait until she got the eviction notice before leaving lol. The labor was only about 13 hours (much better than my first dd at 26!) and after 6 hours I got an epidural. Can I just say WOW!!! What a difference.


Unfortunately we had complications during the delivery. Her heartrate was going up and down and finally it stayed down and would not come back up and when they broke my water they also found out that she had passed meconium. So we had to hurry things a bit. I was only 8 to 9 cms when they told me I had to start pushing. The rooms was full of specialists and thankfully with the assistance of the doctors, nurses and specialists and the vacuum she was born. It felt like forever before we heard her cry but she finally did and all was well for the moment.


The rest of the story is part of a layout I did which I will post next. For now here is our little Angel Madison Joy:



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