Monday, September 1, 2008


Well as you can tell by the heading it didn't go perfectly although we do have a happy ending so don't sweat it lol.


Here is the layout I did about our ordeal in the NICU, if you look closely you can see her IV and some of the wires in these pictures. It was important for me to get pictures of her like this because even though it wasn't ideal it was still her entrance into the world.



Journaling reads:

My pregnancy was relatively easy with you, so when signs of trouble started during labor and delivery I was shocked and scared. Your delivery was hurried, with many specialists, doctors and nurses in our room awaiting your arrival. Holding you for the first time, realizing you were ok, gave me so much relief! You were a fighter! It wasn’t until later that night, after all the visitors had left and night had fallen that I found out there were problems yet to come. During what I assumed would be a routine check the nurses told me that you had a fever that wouldn’t break and they needed to do a few routine tests. When they returned the news didn’t sound so routine, at least for me. Everything started happening in a blur and the next thing I know they are saying they need to do a spinal tap on you…my precious baby, not yet even one day old! After an agonizing wait, the paediatrician on call came in to explain the procedure to me. That’s when my face crumpled and I let the tears flow freely. The thought of my baby going through that, the thought that this was bad enough to warrant that, the thought that there was anything wrong with you was just too much to keep inside. I called your Daddy, who had gone home to be with your sister, in tears explaining what was happening and he came rushing back. We signed the consent forms and the procedure went on without us. When the procedure was done we went to see you in the NICU. The nurse said that you had done beautifully, you hadn’t even cried. You looked so funny, you had sugar all over your face. The nurses explained that they had dipped your soother in sugar because it’s a natural painkiller. It was then that we learned that you would have to stay in the NICU on IV antibiotics while we waited for the test results. Going back to my now empty room was heart wrenching. That was a feeling that never left until I took you home, I hadn’t expected to have to leave you in the NICU. It would be a long week, full of ups and downs and many tears but we were so glad to know that at the end of all of this you had received a clean bill of health all of your test results came back fine. During that first week of your life we looked forward to being able to hold you without the constant tangle of wires. Dancing around that hospital room for the first time before being discharged with you…free of wires and cords was a feeling I will never forget. Our little fighter, so strong and sweet, we love you more than words can ever express!!!!

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