Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sooooo busy!

My poor old neglected blog it seems I go in spurts! What can I say, Maddy keeps me extremely busy! She's doing really good, she will be 4 months old on Monday and is growing like a weed. She's just such a precious joy to us! She's finally been better in the evenings, it seems like from about 2 months to about 3 1/2 she would scream for a few hours a night no matter what you did short of jumping around the house with her...sooo that's what we did! Well it seems that stage has finally ended and we are breathing a sigh of relief. Although she's not without her challenging stages. Don't think I'm lying around eating bon bons here ROFL! She is in a stage where she wants to be held and be with Mommy all the time. Good yes, but bad when you need to have a shower or go to the bathroom or fold laundry etc heehee. We have some routines worked out though so I do get little bits of stuff done here and there but not as much as I'd like for sure!

Just wanted to pop in and say I'm here and still alive. Oh and in case you're wondering the weather here is turning :( it will be -35 before you know it! I don't know why that surprises me or bums me out but it does! Sigh.

Hopefully when I get my dvd disk filled up I will get the chance to burn some more of Maddy's videos. (If I just burn each little video segment I forfeit the rest of that disk so I try and use up a whole disk before formatting it and editing the video just fyi. ;)

I'll leave you with a cute word for the day (at least I think so lol, but then again I hang with a 4 month old all day ROFL!)...We call Madison: Maddy, Mads, Mad etc so when she was giving me attitude this morning we dubbed it "Madittude" I think if fits perfectly! ;)

Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all the Canadians out there!

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