Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

So Halloween 2009 here was total chaos haha, what else would it be with 3 kids under 17 months?

Kelsey decided to go out with friends so her night started early, so no photos of both kids together but that's how it goes when things are crazy :(  We had dinner and then got Maddy ready to go to Grandma and Grandpas and Auntie and Uncles and of course while this is happening the doorbell starts ringing, the 2 dogs go insane and the twins are stirring not to mention trying to get Maddy ready and take pictures still LOL. So we put the dogs in their room for the night and daddy took off with Maddy. I stayed behind with the twins and gave out candy, we had probably between 40 and 50 so not too bad. When Jackson got fussy I held him and answered the door and had one guy tells his son look she's dressed as a new mommy heehee. When daddy got home I got to take Mads out for a little stroll around our block, we really only stopped at like 5 houses of the neighbors we know and are friendly with and then back home but she had fun. She didn't say trick or treat but she would say hi and bye and babble a bit too LOL. We didn't dress the twins up cuz franly they are too young still and the costumes are not really sized for teeny babies so next year they will get to enjoy their first real halloween. So here are a few pictures, enjoy!

Kelsey as a Vampire (she had an awesome wig but apparently it was itchy, bummer!) She looked awesome! My goodness how she is growing!!

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And our little pumpkin (dad insisted that she be a pumpkin this year) and she is freakin adorable!

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And this my friends is how her hair looks after it comes out of those cute piggy tails, it is hilariously crazy messy as it always is now. She sure has a head of hair our little one and it's so curly in the back!


I hope you all had a great Halloween, what started out as a crazy chaotic mess sure ended up being fun, both ouir girls had a great time and the twins did too even if they didn't get to trick or treat. ;)

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