Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Over a week?

Ya know like I said before I really can't stand it when blogs I love to read aren't updated 5o times a day for my viewing pleasure ROFL!!! And here I go again doing the same thing. I really LOVE reading blogs, maybe I'm a voyeur I don't know. I am pretty sure most everyone else out there with a blog enjoys reading blogs too so I know I am not alone for am sure! (Thanks Nola!)


Not much to report around here. We've just been going about our regular routine. Maddy has gotten herself a new routine that Mommy doesn't so much like LOL, she usually wakes up sometime around 2 to 4 to eat and well I miss the days she slept through (although those were quite long ago). Speaking of Maddy she's up and it's still early, that seems to be happening more often too NOOOOOOOOO! Momma needs some sleep little one! ;) Hmmm sounds like she fell back asleep, yay!


We had a very adventurous food day the day before yesterday. (I started writing this a few days ago and it got ut into my drafts cuz I just can't seem to finish anything on time lately heehee.) I bought her some Mum Mum's (rice biscuits) and some little finger cereal that dissolves in your mouth and she loved them! It didn't take her long to realize what to do with them either. Unfortunately this love of food didn't carry through to her baby food. I am still struggling with this little stubborn princess who really doesn't like much at all in the way of eating. :( Sooo I am hoping that these new goodies will make her start to enjoy eating and may (eventually) carry over into enjoying eating her baby food. Here's some pics of the little cutie with her MumMum's.



Look Ma no hands!


And I LOVE This one. Look closely...she is trying to put her sucky in her mouth with the MumMum already in there! LOL!


Daddy made us some chocolate tarts that night and decided to eat the leftover pudding, well we decided to give some to Maddy just for fun (cuz she never likes anything) and holy cow she is a lover of chocolate pudding ROFL!!! So I am sure we gave her way to much but it was fun to actually see her enjoy something and keep opening her mouth for more and trying to steal the bowl from us. We don't get that when feeding her anything else so we had fun with it for sure!


Do I look Chocolate Drunk here? ROFL!


Ooooooo good stuff!


Watching big sissy being silly.


And of course laughing at big sissy, she's the only one who can make her laugh the hardest!


Well it sounds like the little darling is up again. I better go and get our day started. :)


Nola said...

chocolate pudding!!!! I love it!

jeepmama said...

Oh, I love the chocolate drunk!!!

Have you tried blending some "real" food down for her? We did that for money-saving reasons, but once we started our kids wouldn't eat the jarred stuff anymore. It may be worth a shot. Good luck!