Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Big Girl Sleeping

Well I decided to bite the bullet and finally do what I said I would do forever now, move Maddy to her own room in her own crib. We started the night before last night and I was dreading it! I put her in her crib with her 2 usual blankies and her bunny and rubbed her belly a bit and off I went. She didn't even make one noise!!!! I was SHOCKED! I couldn't believe it! I thought wow we got lucky, until the middle of the night LOL! She seems to go down decent but starts to wake from about midnight to 4 am. Course it didn't help that night that our stupid neighbor had a party and music blaring still at 4 am, jerk! Hubby went over and asked him to turn it down and of course, they didn't. Anyway, I get sidetracked LOL. So needless to say we were all pretty tired yesterday.


Well last night she went down ok again, made some noise but not the hours of consistent crying that I was expecting at all. And again with the midnight to 4 am issues. Although to be fair she developed a really runny nose yesterday and was struggling with it all day so I don't think that's helping the situation. I have to say my poor hubby, at about midnight he rolled over and asked me if it was feeding time and I snapped "apparently it's mommy doesn't need any sleep time", yeah I'm tired and cranky lately LOL! Anyway, it really is going better than I thought it would I would just prefer the freaking out to happen while I am still awake vs 4 am but hey this too shall pass...soon I hope LOL!


Kelsey is off all this week for reading week and so we both went to get haircuts this morning, yay! Well hers is yay and mine is well not great but whatever, I guess it will grow. I really only wanted a trim to take all the ucky dead ends off but she kind of did some funky things to it. My bangs are VERY short, super hip on some people, super dumb on me. Man I hope this grows out soon. It probably won't be so bad once I try and style it but it definitely wasn't the pick me up I was hoping for, exactly the opposite.


So have I sufficiently bummed you out yet?! Geez I sound like an ungrateful whiny brat don't I?! Ok, despite all of this I am very thankful to have my family and my health. Does that make it sound better? ;) Seriously I guess we all just need to rant now and then. At least y'all know I'm real. LOL! I'm off to do some much put off chores and to see if I can make some sense of this crazy hair.

1 comment:

Nola said...

Hey you should sleep with one of Maddy's blankies or put one of your t-shirts in her bed, I have Ryan's cologne on one of maddy's teddy bears so that he doesn't make strange with Ryan when he gets home, maybe she'll smell her mommy and won't wake up in the middle of teh night ...i dunno just a thought