Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Sometimes even though things may look perfect on the outside, things are not what they seem on the inside. Wonderful families worthy of envy are shattered. Why am I rambling you ask? Well there has been some disturbing news coming out of our small city and unfortunately I know the "victims" of this. My heart absolutely breaks for them and I just cannot fathom the incredible pain they are in. We are thinking of you so much and wishing we could do anything at all to help you through this unimaginably hard time.


This all makes me very thankful for what I have, my kids, my wonderful husband, my family. It has taught me that those who seem to have it all can be in even more pain than you, there is no utterly perfect life. I hope that their hearts can be healed, they deserve more than what they have gotten. May G.O.D. bring you peace.


So hug and kiss your family, tell them that you love them and appreciate them for all of their faults, it could always be worse than dirty socks left on the floor, chores left undone or snippy remarks...there are some who can only wish those were the biggest of their problems.

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