Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wow time flies!

Seriously why is there not double the time in each day?! I THOUGHT I would have ample time to get things done while at home on maternity leave............ROFLMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently I completely underestimated this little new addition and just how much time she would need to be held and entertained heehee. Our little one is now 4 months old and wow has she changed!

She had her 4 months shots last week, oops actually 2 weeks ago and we are still having exploding diaper issues from that, it is always a side effect for her for about 2 to 3 weeks or so it seems. But otherwise she's doing well. ;)

She is definitely into teething again now, everything goes into her mouth and she's having a blast using some of the funky new teething toys that are out there that vibrate when you bite down on them or play music or sounds when you bite them. Seriously wayyy better than what I had for dd#1 10 years ago!

She has this new cry, and trust me if you could hear it you would laugh like I have to! It's a full-on DIVA cry and it's hilarious. She does this when she's mad so it's not like I laugh when she's hungry...this is just something she uses to express her ummm distaste for things shall we say LOL!

Well there are many things to get done here so I will sign off again. I need to do some new pics and edit some video, I really should stay up late tonight and do that...but it's already 11...so little time much to do.

Oh I almost forgot, Kels flooded the bathroom and basement the other night so yeah...towels to wash and floors drying out and bathroom vanities swelling :( sooo not fun!

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