Thursday, May 29, 2008

So here I am

Still no baby lol, although today was my last day of work for 7 whole months yippee! It still feels surreal. Had a Dr appt today and no news, everything is going fine. Baby has a strong heartbeat and my blood pressure is perfect so everything is a-ok. I have another appt. for next Thursday the 5th and she says that if I haven't gone into labor by then we will start discussing induction! ACK! The day they said they would induce is my other dd's birthday and I am NOT happy about that but they refuse to induce a few days before that so we just have to get this baby movin' so we don't have to get to that point. ;)


The other day at Walmart one of the cashiers asked if I was having twins, this shocked me as I really honestly didn't think I had gotten THAT big, but when I had dh take pictures of me tonight I realized...I am pretty close to being THAT big ROFL! So without further adeu (is that how you spell it?) here are baby and me (baby if course is still in that bulgy belly lol).



Well that's enough for tonight. I'm off to buy dd's birthday present so hopefully that can be checked off my list so I don't have to worry about that during labor. I hope baby arrives SOON!!! I am scared, excited, tired, done with pregnancy, worried, happy and every emotion you can think of all in one right now. Oh and I better do some yoga tonight and cleaning tomorrow ;) maybe that will kick start things!

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