Saturday, May 31, 2008

I REALLY hope this is a sign!

So my dad and stepmom should be arriving soon and well it's the weekend which all means cleaning time. We really didn't have too much to do and so I started about 8:00 this morning...well it took on a life of its own LOL! I even spent over an hour and a half "detailing" the couches. (We aren't pigs but we do have 2 pugs and if you've ever known pugs you know they are the WORST shedders in the animal kingdom!) All the dog hair was bugging me so it didn't make sense to vacuum the floors and dust when under the couches was lurking the biggest hairiest monsters you could ever imagine. So yay, I am so happy sitting there knowing they are clean under and in between as well as on the top surface. (Thankfully they are leather but someone should really invent a better backing that does not trap pet hair, I resorted to picking at it like pills on a sweater...and no not pills like aspirin LOL.)


The house has been vacuumed, dusted, de-hairy-fied, and on and on and so has the basement (thanks to DH, he was setting up a makeshift room for my parents with tarps and a bed etc and it looks phenomenal! Thanks hun!) Weeds were pulled, my office was organized, the fridge and freezer got cleaned out and the garborator got a giant workout from all of the food that needed to just go away. DD went through all of her shoes in the garage too, we were a busy clan all day. Now it's 3:30 and we have to get ready for family dinner so unfortunately that means my paper scrapbooking cabinet will have to be organized tomorrow. ;)


Sooooooooooo all of that just to tell you I think baby will be coming soon, at least I hope. Although my back hurts now and I am sort of tired, maybe cleaning wasn't such a good idea. Tomorrow will probably be more of the same and getting some flowers for the front porch and walkway, yippee! I love to buy them and plant them but I hate to water them. Thankfully DD will be home with baby and I all this summer (yay no more work for 7 months!) so she will be in charge of watering them so I can have the pleasure of buying them and looking at them ROFL!


Okay better get going and clean up and hopefully stop by Starbucks for an Iced Decaf Vanilla lattee before dinner!!!! YUM! Hopefully there will be a baby post coming sooooooon!

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