Wednesday, August 29, 2007

1st Day of School!

Woo's the most wonderful time...of the year, LOL! DD went back to school today and she had a blast! She is very happy with the teacher and class that she has (although a few friends are in the other class) but overall it was a great day for her and I am so happy!


The day didn't start off that well though, lol. We were running wayyy behind and to top that all off there was the "shoelace incident". Her shoes are cute but she can never keep them tied and so we buy her those curly laces that was she can just slip her shoes on and off....well I waited till the last minute to put these in her shoes (you have to do it when the shoes are on their feet) and the lace ends were too big for the holes! ACK!!! So there was me and a pair of pliers pulling pushing and yanking on poor DD's feet trying to get these shoelaces to go in. Thankfully we did but boy was it ever a struggle. I am sure it would have been hilarious for anyone watching us though, rofl!

So picture time was a quick few snaps and off we went! Phew! Unfortunately the pics aren't the best but hey they still capture her 1st day and that's what matters to me so here's just a few for you to take a look.

Unfortunately she mixed and matched her new clothes and so this was not an actual outfit, but at her age she is definitely trying to be independent  and emulate starts like Hannah Montana and such so hey let her wear what she wants as long as it's decent, lol! The other day she cut the legs off her old Halloween purple and black (witch) stockings and was wearing them as...I don't know what to call them...leg warmers for your arm! ROFL ROFL ROFL!!!  This is definitely better than that ;) Hope you all had a FAB day!

(Photoblast actions used on photos)


Heidi@DigitalCandy said...

Isnt she the Cutest!! I love her new 'do' and those laces! She's so funky! Love it :)

Anonymous said...

Awwwww she is too adorable!!!!

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

She looks sooooo cute! and you can definitely tell by the light in her eye that she has her own ideas of what's what!

Victoria, BC said...

My peanut has grown! My DGD looks like she has 'matured' a little more since last time we saw her. Time goes too quickly. I love you peanut and I miss you!
Lots of love from Grandma.