Tuesday, May 8, 2007

So much cool stuff happening!

Ok so The biggest thing on my mind is VEGAS BABY! We leave this Sunday and I already have vacation head, my brain is so not functioning at my in real life job! LOL! I can't wait, it will be sooo nice!

Also, I have been designing like crazy but still not much to show for it as I keep jumping back and forth between items, lol, so like me! I have a new DESIGNER SAMPLER available FOR FREE at my store at the Digiscrapshak (link to the right) but they are currently down changing their servers at the moment (until about Friday), so for now you will have to just take a look at the preview here and check my store for the FREE SAMPLER soon.

I realized that most of my kits are girlie so I decided to make a little something for those who have boys. I love the colors and the name...doesn't every little boy want to be a man of the law?

Ok it's been a long day at work and it's wayyy past my bedtime here (yes I stick to a bedtime lol) so I better get to bed before I drag myself around all day tomorrow, till then later chicklets!

1 comment:

Rachael said...

What a wonderful sample! Have fun on your trip! :)