Saturday, November 22, 2008

She's sitting!!!!

So Maddy has started sitting up by herself as of yesterday! She can only do it for a few seconds at a time but that's the start and she's already getting better at it! :) She's really blossoming lately, really getting her own personality and quirks LOL! Right now she sits in her bumbo chair and swings and taps her right leg and foot (always and only the right heehee!) it's soooo cute! She is just the light of our lives!


And ya know, it's a good thing cuz she's starting to having some irritating sleep problems lol. I always say it's a good thing she's cute cuz it's not so cute to be woken up every hour on the hour or even more frequently eeeek! She's in this stage where (most nights it starts around 4 am) she starts "crying" for her sucky, she's not awake, her eyes aren't open but she's fussing and she will, can and has done this every 15/30 minutes, sometimes we get an hour long stretch, until 8:30 which is normal wake up time. ACK!!! Sleep deprivation is kicking in big time again! I miss the 8:30 to 8:30 days.


All that and we're still happy as clams, only parents would understand. ;)

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