Monday, January 21, 2008

A Layout and an Update!

Wow I cannot believe I actually did a layout! I am not 100% happy with it but it's pretty much complete and pretty much what I envisioned. I cannot believe how it came about, I logged into DST one night and saw a layout I loved on the front page and actually went and bought the kit they used right then and there, it was my first time ever doing that LOL! And I LOVE it, for my pregnancy pics and baby pics it will be perfect! So here is my layout...Waiting in the Wings...

I used both pink and blue as we still do not know if it's a boy or girl in my ever expanding belly. ;) For credits see here.

We are also going to get our 3D/4D ultrasound THIS FRIDAY!!!! I CANNOT wait!!! It means a 6 hour drive round-trip but that's ok...we can do some shopping too ;) heehee. Maybe since I am pregnant and will be "oh so exhausted" from the trip etc I can lay down in the back of the van and watch a movie with dd, that would be fun! Heehee.

Well that's it, just wanted to share my layout cuz it's rare when I get one done and most of all I wanted to share the exciting news of the next ultrasound. This time we better find out what this bean actually is, LOL! ;)

Have a great night y'all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are so exited to meet out new grand baby. Awesome job on the arrangement!
Lots of love,